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Showing posts from May, 2019

Condition Of The Election

Is election a big  tension? As we all know that in each and every democratic country election for electing our national representatives is held. But we see that from total 100% of votes only an average of 80%-70% only votes….. Is election a big tension? I think no never an election can be a bucket of tension…. So to make this talking fit that “the election is not only a right but our duty” I brought a fresh poem on this trending topic:- The way of election Is not a weight of tension?   But a bunch of opportunities which keeps the peace, makes development and maintains liberty Thousands of parties having different mentalities Clash with each other Forgetting all the similarities and disparities The main purpose of election is appropriate That is to prevent people being disassociate But what do these elections create That makes it important and great Election elects us president Elects our ministers Elects memb